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Teen Poetry Intensive
(Ages 15-18)




8 weeks

About the Course

Designed for teens to explore what's meaningful and improve as writers, this 8-week series guides aspiring poets through the process of writing, designing, and publishing a poetry chapbook. This series includes group sessions and individual mentorship.

In group sessions, teens will discuss key elements of poetry composition, learn from poems they admire, engage with proven writing exercises, and take practical steps towards publishing their writing. In individual mentorship sessions, teens are provided with one-on-one support and line-by-line editorial feedback on their writing as it progresses.

At the end of the series, if they keep up, teens will have created a 12-24 page book of poems (two copies included with registration).


Sessions will be on Zoom in the evening and take place on the following schedule:

Week 1, Jan. 14 - Language is the Liquid: Image and Meaning

Week 2, Jan. 21 - Dreamed, Remembered, Imagined: Where Poems Come From

Week 3, Jan. 28 - Embodied Poetry: Metaphor and Comparison

Week 4 - Individual Mentorship Session (flexibly scheduled)

Week 5, Feb. 11 - Point of View, Perspective, and Persona

Week 6, Feb. 18 - Music: Form, Sound, and Rhythm

Week 7 - Individual Mentorship Session (flexibly scheduled)

Week 8, March 4 - Sharing of Work/Celebration

Further Information

If you have any questions about this series, please reach out. I am happy to arrange meetings with parents and teens to answer any questions, provide information, and help you determine if this series will a good fit.

Your Instructor

Noah Cain

Noah Cain

Over the past decade as a teacher, editor, and writer, Noah Cain has helped young writers gain confidence, develop their craft, and publish their work in a safe and supportive manner. He holds a Master's of Education in Language and Literacy, a Manitoba School Counselor's Certificate, and is a member of The Writer's Union of Canada. Noah's poetry, short fiction, and criticism has appeared or is forthcoming in publications and anthologies across North America, including Prairie Fire, EVENT, Winnipeg Free Press, Teacher Voice, and Contemporary Verse 2 (see link to CV at top of page).

If you have any questions or would like to discuss this series further, please reach out to arrange a meeting.

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